Thursday, March 26, 2009

Dental Problems May Affect Overall Health

For many people, the relation between oral health and systemic body conditions is abstract at best. Few of us know that dental problems have consequences that extend far beyond the mouth.

Most of us think that dental problems would result at worst in a few fallen teeth or some painful hours in the dentists’ chair. Yet, bad oral health can result in long-term health issues such as heart disease and stroke that can be potentially fatal. This article reviews the possible effect of oral health on general body health.

Dental problems arise as a result of poor oral hygiene. The accumulation of harmful bacteria in the dental cavities can result in formation of plaque and tartar. Tartar provides a very conducive environment for the development of bacterial populations, which as a consequence rise dramatically.

An infection arises, leading to conditions such as root decay and gum disease. If the bacterial growth is not checked, the infection can reach the bloodstream. This is when the real complications occur.

Dental Problems and Heart Disease

Harmful bacteria entering the bloodstream attach to fatty plaques already present in the arteries of the body. This hastens the formation of arterial blockages (blood clots) that result in thrombosis. The bacteria can also reach the chambers of the heart where they get lodged and start an infection. The result is infective endocarditis. After some time, this infection produces growths that break off into the bloodstream and attach to other critical organs, resulting in a generalized infection.

Dental Problems and Diabetes

Diabetes and dental problems are mutually reinforcing diseases. Dental problems result in the production of cytokines, which increase the body’s resistance to insulin and make blood sugar difficult to control. Diabetes, on the other hand, reduces the capacity of the body to heal itself and therefore increases the likelihood of dental infections and abscesses.

Dental Problems and Low Birth Weight

Internal infections in pregnant women, originating from the mouth, have been known to cause low birth weights and premature birth. Cytokines produced during infections cause the production of the hormone prostaglandin. This hormone acts as a trigger for labor and thus results in premature birth. Pregnant women with oral infections have up to seven times greater risk of giving birth to a premature baby than those with normal oral health.

Other conditions that have been linked to oral hygiene include Alzheimer’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoporosis. So be very cautious with your dental health.

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Dental Problems Affect Overall Health

1 comment:

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