Saturday, June 27, 2009

Cosmetic Dentistry: Great Way to Improve Face Look

Discolored, chipped or missing teeth can affect self-confidence. A person may be reluctant to smile with parted lips if they feel their teeth are unattractive.

Cosmetic dentistry can make substantial improvements to every kind of smile. There are techniques to deal with discolored, chipped, gapped, crooked or missing teeth.

In severe cases, orthodontic treatment may be needed. This is a specialized branch of dentistry that corrects jaw and teeth misalignments with devices such as braces. You can simply ask your cosmetic dentist, or specialist for further information and advice on improving the look of your smile.

Many people ask me what exactly Cosmetic Dentistry is and what is consists of... Below is a little description:


This style of dentistry is any treatment which:

" Improves the look (or aesthetic aspect) of the teeth.

" The services available are bleaching for the front teeth.

" Reconstruction of the teeth with crowns or veneers

" Orthodontic treatment to change the position of the teeth.

" All of this is considered to be cosmetic dentistry.

Cosmetic Dentistry is a great way to improve the look of your entire face, your mouth is the focal point when you smile for photos, or simply when chatting to people.

Your smile is the first impression you make on others, so make it stand out. Many people are unaware that simple inexpensive procedures can be done that will dramatically effect your smile. the way you look also effects the way you feel. So truly this can be said that investing in a new smile could be one of the wisest investment you could make.

1 comment:

  1. I've always been extremely self-conscious about my smile. I recently got engaged and I don't want to be afraid to smile on my wedding day. That's why I'm looking into cosmetic dentistry to find out what treatments are right for me.

    Susan Hirst |



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